
Renovation & Development of Basements in Calgary

Basement Development

Choose the best basement contractor in Calgary for the finesse and perfection you are looking for

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WestAim Construction

Basement Development

A Basement Development and Renovation can be an important option to your home—without the issue of adding on an option! This underutilized space could be a game room, living space, adolescent home base, kid den, bar… the choices are unending. An incomplete Basement is a fresh start simply trusting that your inventiveness will change it into something else. WestAim Construction can help!

Basement Development and Renovations

What is Basement Development?

A Basement Development?

A blank canvas waiting to be turned into a piece of art, the unfinished or incomplete basements of your homes are ready to be converted from your creative imagination to reality. With WestAim Construction as your basement contractor, you just have to paint a picture with your words about what do you want to use your basement as, and we will develop this unutilized space as how you have imagined it. With basement development, you can change utilize it as a gaming room, bar, living space, den, or kid's base, the possibilities are endless.

Do You Need Basement Development?

While you have an unfinished or unutilized basement, there are a plenty of options you can consider for opting for basement development in Calgary, including:

Additional living space can be:

  • Extra Income:

    For basements with a separate passage or a potential to have one, it is one of the best ways to generate a secondary income. Add a room, a small kitchen and a bathroom in the basement, and you have got a legal secondary suite down there, ready to be leased out.

  • Extra Room:

    In case you have plans for extending the family, an extra space always comes in handy to maintain the space for additional people in your home.

  • Extra Value:

    When you have a properly developed basement, it simply adds to the overall attraction of your property, along with a great increment of its overall worth.

Have already developed the basement but are not happy with the plan? We are more than happy to redesign the basement for you. With the most experienced basement renovation experts in Calgary, we discuss the best possibilities for redesigning and renovating your basement to a more functional and updated one.

Book Your Basement Development And Get A Free Heated Floor Wash Room In The Basement

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Ideas for Basement Use

Endless possibilities for leveraging the unutilized basement space

  • Legal Secondary Suite: A great source of secondary income, these set-ups are designed with a set of rooms, kitchen, dining area and a washroom, depending upon the availability of space
  • Game Room: Adding fun to the hectic schedule, turning the basement into a gaming room with all sorts of set-ups like snooker table, table tennis, and more.
  • Kid's Base: A perfect space for children to play and grow, without worrying about their safety, as the space is specially childproofed
  • Bar: Who wouldn't like a personal bar with the choice of ambiance and setting right underneath their home, WestAim Constructions have got you covered.
  • Man Space: A dedicated space for the man of the house and his friends to crash and chill without interrupting the family.
  • She Shed: A dedicated space for the woman of the house and her friends to chill, party and enjoy without interrupting the family.
  • Extra Rooms: As the plan and design allow, we can get you an additional room or two, with a sitting region, a washroom, and storerooms.
  • Office: Perfect utilization of this unused space to make a home-based office to work on projects while staying close to the family.
  • Home Theater: An immersive and rich experience in the comfort of your home, without the hassle of going out.
  • Home Gym: A full-fledged personal gym with a shower and sauna, the possibilities are countless.
  • Work From Home Pad: A dedicated space for all the client meetings and virtual discussions, a yoga studio, or your private company.
Basement renovations

Why Choose WestAim Construction For Your

Basement Renovations?

Calgary's trusted basement renovations and basement development company, WestAim Construction has been serving its vast clientele for over a decade now. The ever-expanding list of satisfied customers speaks volume of the superior work we do. We provide a detailed 3D format drawing for your basement to ensure that everything falls right as per the expectations and planning. With our experts and planners, we deliver as promised in the decided timeframe.

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Basement Development & Renovation Calgary

Westaim Construction

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Quality Class Work

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Superb Customer Service

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Basement Development Promotion

Book Your Basement Development And Get A Free Heated Floor Wash Room In The Basement


  • Step One

    Get in Contact for a free onsite Consultation

  • Step Two

    Design Proposals and Estimating

  • Step Three

    Applying for Permits and selecting Material

  • Step Four

    Scheduling and on site Construction Begins

  • Step Five

    Site Management with different Construction phases

  • Step Six

    Client Rough in site Review

  • Step Seven

    Project Finishing Complete

  • Step Eight

    Final walk through with Client and Handover the Key

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